As a lifelong creative I am dedicated to curating beauty and inspiring you. Iā€™m an Interior Designer in Raleigh, NC this is my lifestyle blog. Follow along for a touch of taste and whimsy.

meet jordan russell


  • Room Design

    Do you want to be inspired by your home and feel joy in the comfort of everyday living? I curate personalized selections that meet your family's needs in a functional and beautiful way.

  • Virtual Design

    Are you looking for a way to create an elegant everyday living space on a budget or out of state? You can work with us from anywhere with our Virtual Design Package. I thoughtfully offer recommendations to create a happy space in your home.

  • Paint Consultation

    Selecting paint colors for your home can feel like a daunting task. I have a deep understanding of color theory, and I will guide you through the paint selection process.

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